Championing Diversity, Equity, Inclusivity & Belonging
STEP UP. SPEAK UP. Nurses Taking a Stand
Nursing is the largest healthcare profession, and nurses play an essential role in any setting in which care is being provided. ONL believes that the societal trust afforded to nurses, our leadership, and our experience can make a difference in our communities. As nurses, our ethical obligation and responsibility are to confront racism in nursing and healthcare and to champion diversity, equity, inclusivity, and belonging in our workplaces. When nurses take a stand, we can make a difference.
ONL works to provide all nurses a platform for engagement, resources, and tools for taking action.
The Nurse's Pledge to Champion Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity
Together in partnership with NERBNA, ONL developed the Nurse's Pledge to Champion Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity. Committing to becoming an active and purposeful change agent for eliminating bias and racism honors our patients, colleagues, and community.
Join the nearly 1,200 nurses who have already taken the pledge!
A Tool Kit for Addressing Racism in Nursing and Healthcare
ONL's Tool Kit for Addressing Racism in Nursing and Healthcare is a resource for nurse leaders to help increase awareness of barriers to an inclusive workplace and provides actionable strategies for overcoming such barriers and addressing biases. It offers guidance for facilitators; curated resources for further learning in the key areas of Systemic Racism, Equity v. Equality, Implicit Bias and Microaggressions, Intersectionality, Trauma-Informed Care, and Inclusivity and Belonging; and recommendations for the path forward and sustaining these efforts over time.
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ONL and NERBNA's Position Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity
In partnership with the New England Regional Black Nurses Association (NERBNA), ONL put forth a Position Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity. This statement outlines why we believe The Nursing Code of Ethics obligates nurses to condemn racist behavior and systemic racism, and why nurses can and should lead efforts to reduce healthcare disparities and advance health equity for all.
Read the Position Statement >>
Taking a Stand: Developing a Nurse's Pledge to Champion Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity
This article was published int he February 2021 issue of AONL's Nurse Leader and details the development of the Nurse's Pledge to Champion Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity and discusses how the pledge is being used in practice.
Authored by Carol A. Conroy, DNP, RN, FAAN, Sasha DuBois, MSN, RN, Terry Hudson-Jinks, MSN, RN, Cassandra Mombrun, MSN, RN, CPNP-PC, Nadia Raymond, MSN/MHA, RN, Ashley Waddell, PhD, RN, and Amanda Stefancyk Oberlies, PhD, MBA, RN.
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